A huge THANK YOU!! to all 56 students/young artists, all the artistic coaches and lecturers, deSingel and Antwerp Conservatory direction, administration, production and technical crew and a special thanks to our colleagues Pauline and Istvan for this wonderful LAbO#5 edition by ChampdAction in deSingel.
We'll be back with our next LAbO project in deSingel in 2017! For now you can enjoy the films made during the concert yesterday evening.
See you all soon!
We'll be back with our next LAbO project in deSingel in 2017! For now you can enjoy the films made during the concert yesterday evening.
See you all soon!
LAbO is a biennial multidisciplinary arts project on new music, sound art and multidisciplinary projects for students and art schools at home and abroad. The project was conceived by the Antwerp-based production platform ChampdAction in collaboration with deSingel and the Royal Conservatoire of Antwerp (AP University College). Its goal is to immerse music students (both performers and writers/composers), dance students and fine arts students in the world of professional contemporary and multidisciplinary art forms for 6 days, with a strong emphasis on the use of digital media. So they receive practical experience in an ideal and experimental setting.
LAbO #5 is een zesdaags interactief parcours voor hogeschoolstudenten muziek, dans en beeldende kunst, georganiseerd door het Antwerpse productiehuis voor nieuwe muziek ChampdAction i.s.m. Internationale Kunstcampus deSingel (Antwerpen) en Koninklijk Conservatorium Antwerpen van 2 t.e.m. 7 november 2015. Studenten uit binnen- en buitenland worden in dit interdisciplinair project ondergedompeld in nieuwe muziek, en multidisciplinaire projecten met een sterke focus op het gebruik van nieuwe media en elektronica. Na een week van workshops, ateliers, individuele en groepssessies, (theoretische) reflecties, toonmomenten, cross-oversessies tussen verschillende disciplines, volgt ten slotte op zaterdag 7 november 2015 een slotevenement voor het publiek (gratis toegang) in deSingel.
(12/10/15) CHANGES in LAbO #5
Today we closed our call for participants for LAbO #5.
ChampdAction is extremely happy with the very high level of the many participants for this fifth edition of LAbO. We are looking forward to meet 55 students and young artists coming from all over Europe! There is only one but.
Due to several reasons we have no dance candidates for this year's edition. This means we have decided in consultation with choreographer and coach Stefan Dreher to postpone his Dancing Days project to the next edition of LAbO in 2017. For this intense project it is crucial to have enough dancers participating and ChampdAction & Stefan Dreher have engaged to start looking for dancers as from today for LAbO VI in November 2017.
Because of the many music and composition students taking part in this edition we decided to invite some added music coaches on top of the ones we already programmed. The list of coaches is now as follows:
Koen Theys (video artist), Wim Henderickx (composer), Stefan Prins (composer), Serge Verstockt (composer), Matt Wright (composer-performer), Marko Ciciliani (composer), Arne Deforce (cello), Peter Jacquemyn (double bass, sculptor), guest coaches.
Today we closed our call for participants for LAbO #5.
ChampdAction is extremely happy with the very high level of the many participants for this fifth edition of LAbO. We are looking forward to meet 55 students and young artists coming from all over Europe! There is only one but.
Due to several reasons we have no dance candidates for this year's edition. This means we have decided in consultation with choreographer and coach Stefan Dreher to postpone his Dancing Days project to the next edition of LAbO in 2017. For this intense project it is crucial to have enough dancers participating and ChampdAction & Stefan Dreher have engaged to start looking for dancers as from today for LAbO VI in November 2017.
Because of the many music and composition students taking part in this edition we decided to invite some added music coaches on top of the ones we already programmed. The list of coaches is now as follows:
Koen Theys (video artist), Wim Henderickx (composer), Stefan Prins (composer), Serge Verstockt (composer), Matt Wright (composer-performer), Marko Ciciliani (composer), Arne Deforce (cello), Peter Jacquemyn (double bass, sculptor), guest coaches.
LAbO #5 – Monday 2 November – Saturday 7 November 2015
deSingel – Antwerp
A production by ChampdAction, deSingel and Artesis/Royal Conservatoire of Antwerp
in collaboration with other art schools
the participants show their projects to the public during a final parcours
Because our LAbO#5 participants come from all over Europe
we decided to livestream the closing event tomorrow evening (Saturday 7th of November).
This way their friends, colleagues or family can watch it from 8 pm
via our websites www.champdaction.be or labo5.weebly.com or via our facebookpage.
we decided to livestream the closing event tomorrow evening (Saturday 7th of November).
This way their friends, colleagues or family can watch it from 8 pm
via our websites www.champdaction.be or labo5.weebly.com or via our facebookpage.